Post-Election Day thoughts

Days like today remind me how much has changed.

My parents are very politically aware–at least, as aware as constant and exclusive consumers of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh can be–and equally opinionated. When I was a kid I always stayed up late on election nights to see who’d won. Back then, of course, me and my family were on the same team, cheering against Clinton and partial-birth abortion in ’92 and ’96, and for Bush and evangelicalism in ’00.

Now that I live on the opposite side of the country from my parents, Facebook status updates are a proxy for the family room and church hallways. So if you, like so many of my Facebook friends, are someone who “clearly knows zero Republicans,”* consider this your front-row seat to one half of America. Here’s a comment thread from last night:

Fox is saying hold on a minute…they MAY have called Ohio too soon. Different opinions…
– Regardless of Ohio, Obama will more than probably take Florida.
– I think it’s all over but the crying.
– If that’s true, hand me a Kleenex.
– I need a whole towel. Unbelievable!!!
– Never before have I ever felt truly concerned for my children’s future. Until now. I do believe there’s no turning back. Very sobering. And yes, I know that God is in control. Absolutely. I just think things are going to change in ways we can not yet imagine.

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